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Building happy and healthy cities

Lead ride aims to transform your relationship with people and cities by cycling together. Lead Ride connects critical stakeholders in the ecosystem and enables active mobility by multiple interventions .

Lead Ride
Accelerating & Scaling Active Mobility

Accelerating pace of Active Mobility

Accelerating the global transition to safer, cleaner and more inclusive transportation systems with focus on Cycling and Walking. o Each city to host Lead Ride - Centers Of Excellence in active mobility.

Engaging complex problem spaces and existential threats

Active Mobility is a universal and cost-effective solution to climate change - To enable Active Mobility we need to engage with multiple stakeholders with multiple perspective.

Assuming shared responsibility for happy and healthy cities

shared responsibility between city, youth and the corporate. We are stitching a shared model that can help relieve the citiesโ€™s operational burden

more creative thinking, and informed decision making

Harness Collective Intelligence for Healthy Futures by Creative Thinking and Informed Decision Making

Lead Ride
How it works

Lead Ride maps the critical players in the active mobility and creates a consortium with working groups to contribute and commit to enable Active Mobility. Lead Ride in association with the city envisions programs and projects to demonstrate success.
The city commits the funding for the program.
The city facilitates relevant organizational and the resources required for the enablement of Lead Ride.
The city ensures stakeholder alignment.
Identify capability gaps and cross-organizational dependencies.
City & NNCF & Stakeholders jointly organize the Lead Ride on World Cycle Day June 3.


Envision a active future with focus on walking, cycling, and public transport for cities. This shift towards Active mobility will result in less congestion and less pollution, while making city streets quieter and the air we breathe cleaner.


Identify active mobility actors, stakeholders, critical users and establish connection. Meetup with critical stakeholders and ecosystem players for transfromation and Inspire them to be part of the Lead Ride.


Publicly endorse the following principles:

  • We recognise the global climate emergency.
  • We commit to support Lead Ride city wide.
  • We recognise the Importance of Active Mobility and Commit to Making walking and biking more inclusive.
  • We invite our partners โ€“ city leaders, CEOs, Institutions and civil society โ€“ to join us in promoting Lead Ride.


Create a Strong Movement with City Wide Networks across communities, institutions and corporate. Publish Strategies and Tactics + Communication Plan of action that will help to place your city on a resilient pathway.


Ride together on World Cycle Day - June 3 2023 (Saturday) and achieve unity to enable active mobility at scale.

Lead Ride City - Structure

City Champions
Buddy Network StakeholdersCity LeadershipLead Ride team
Enable active mobility
by cycling together
Your city
World Cycle Day June 3
Communication Information Operation Experiences
World cycle day
Bicycle Momentum - begin the movement
Design Events & Spaces
Your city
Participatory DesignHuman Centered Design Place MakingActive Mobility Integration
Design for Impact
Transforming Spaces by collective intelligence